Losing a beloved pet can be an incredibly difficult experience, not just for us humans but also for our furry companions. But have you ever wondered if dogs experience grief when they lose a fellow canine friend? Recent research suggests that they do indeed mourn the loss of other dogs, displaying signs of sadness and even behavioral changes. From becoming more withdrawn to loss of appetite and decreased energy, these grieving symptoms bear a striking resemblance to the way humans process the loss of a loved one. Understanding how dogs grieve can help us provide the support and comfort they need during these tough times.

Signs of Grief in Dogs

Changes in Behavior

When a dog is experiencing grief, you may notice significant changes in their behavior. They may become more lethargic and less interested in activities they once enjoyed. Your dog may also display signs of restlessness and have difficulty settling down. Keep an eye out for increased pacing, excessive panting, or even signs of aggression, which can be a result of their emotional turmoil.

Loss of Appetite

Just like humans, dogs can lose their appetite when grieving. They may refuse to eat their regular meals or show disinterest in their favorite treats. It’s important to monitor their food intake as a sudden change in appetite could be an indication of their emotional distress.

Excessive Whining or Barking

Grieving dogs often rely on vocalization to express their pain. You may notice them whining, whimpering, or barking more frequently. This excessive vocalization is their way of seeking comfort or expressing their frustration. It is essential to provide reassurance during these moments and understand that they are struggling with their emotions.

Withdrawal and Isolation

Grieving dogs may isolate themselves from their human family members and even other pets in the household. They may seek out quiet areas to retreat to or spend more time in their crate or favorite hiding spot. This withdrawal from social interactions is a common sign of grief in dogs and should be handled with patience and understanding.

Possible Explanations for Dogs Grieving

Social Bonding

Dogs are incredibly social animals and form strong emotional bonds with their human family members and fellow dogs. When a companion passes away, the surviving dog can experience grief similar to what humans experience when losing a loved one. The loss of a social bond can be devastating for a dog and can lead to the manifestation of grief symptoms.

Sensitivity to Emotions

Dogs are highly perceptive creatures and can sense and mirror their owner’s emotions. When you are grieving the loss of another pet or a family member, your dog can pick up on your sadness and pain. This empathetic connection can cause them to grieve alongside you, intensifying their own emotional turmoil.

Loss of a Pack Member

Dogs are instinctually pack animals, and losing a pack member can have a profound impact on their emotional well-being. The loss of a canine companion disrupts the established hierarchy and can leave the surviving dog feeling confused and lost. This disruption in their pack dynamic can trigger a grieving response.

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Supporting a Grieving Dog

Maintaining Routine

During times of grief, stability and routine can provide a sense of comfort and security for your dog. Try to stick to their regular feeding and exercise schedule as much as possible. Consistency in their daily routine can help them feel grounded and provide a sense of normalcy during a challenging time.

Providing Comfort

Your dog may require extra love and attention while they are grieving. Offer them physical comfort through gentle petting and cuddling. Providing a soft and cozy space for them, such as a comforting blanket or bed, can also help alleviate their distress. Remember that your presence and soothing voice can bring them a great deal of comfort during this difficult period.

Engaging in Play and Exercise

While your dog may not initially feel like participating in activities they once enjoyed, gentle play and exercise can be beneficial for their emotional well-being. Engaging in activities they love can serve as a distraction and help uplift their spirits. However, be mindful of their energy levels and never push them to engage in play if they are not ready.

Recognizing Normal vs. Abnormal Grief


Grief is a natural process, and it can vary in duration for each individual, whether human or canine. It is important to recognize that grieving takes time, and your dog may exhibit signs of grief for weeks or even months. However, if the grieving behavior persists for an extended period without any improvement, it may be necessary to consult a professional for further guidance.


The intensity of grief can vary from dog to dog. Some dogs may exhibit more pronounced signs of grief, while others may display milder symptoms. It is essential to keep an eye on the intensity of their grief and note any unusual or concerning behaviors. Signs of extreme distress or aggression should be addressed promptly to ensure the safety of both your dog and those around them.

Seeking Professional Help

If your dog’s grieving behavior becomes overwhelming or shows no signs of improvement, it may be beneficial to seek the assistance of a professional such as a veterinarian or a certified animal behaviorist. They can provide guidance and develop a customized plan to help your dog navigate through their grief in a healthy way.

Grieving Dogs in Multi-Dog Homes

Individual Reactions

Within a multi-dog household, each dog may respond differently to the loss of a companion. One dog may display obvious signs of grief, while another may seem unaffected. It is crucial to understand that each dog’s grieving process is unique, and their reaction should be respected and acknowledged.

Monitoring Dog Interactions

While grieving, your dog’s behavior towards other dogs in the household may change. They may be more irritable, exhibit signs of aggression, or simply prefer solitude. It is important to monitor dog-to-dog interactions closely to ensure the safety and well-being of all pets. Provide separate spaces and resources when necessary to avoid potential conflicts.

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Introducing a New Dog

Introducing a new dog into a household where one or more dogs are grieving can be a delicate process. While it may be tempting to bring in a new companion right away, it is crucial to give your grieving dog enough time to heal before considering adding a new member to the pack. Only introduce a new dog when your grieving dog has shown signs of stability and is ready for a new social bond.

Grief in Dogs vs. Grief in Humans

Understanding Canine Grief

While dogs may not express grief in the same way humans do, they undoubtedly experience emotional distress when faced with loss. Canine grief is primarily rooted in the disruption of social bonds and the subsequent emotional turmoil. Understanding and acknowledging the unique nature of canine grief can help support your dog through this challenging time.

Differences in Coping Mechanisms

Dogs and humans have distinct coping mechanisms when it comes to grief. Humans often seek solace in talking about their emotions and surrounding themselves with support systems. On the other hand, dogs tend to rely on familiar routines, physical comfort, and the presence of their human family to cope with grief. Recognizing these differences can assist in providing effective support for your grieving dog.

Similarities in Emotional Responses

Despite the differences, dogs and humans share some emotional responses to grief. Both can experience feelings of sadness, confusion, and even depression. It is not uncommon for grieving dogs to show a decrease in their overall enthusiasm and zest for life. By recognizing these shared emotional experiences, you can offer compassion and empathy to your grieving pet.

Can Dogs Grieve for Other Species?

Cross-Species Bonds

Dogs are capable of forming deep bonds not only with fellow canines but also with animals of other species. Whether it is a cat, a bird, or even a human family member, the loss of a beloved companion can evoke grief in a dog. The strength of these cross-species bonds may surprise us, underscoring the depth of emotion dogs are capable of feeling.

Recognizing Loss of Other Pets

When a dog loses a companion from another species, they may exhibit similar signs of grief as they would when another dog passes away. It is essential to observe their behavior for any changes, such as loss of appetite, increased vocalization, or withdrawal. Acknowledging and validating their grief can help them navigate through the loss more effectively.

Supporting Cross-Species Grief

Supporting a dog’s grief for a companion of another species follows similar principles as supporting canine grief. Providing comfort, routine, and engaging in activities that bring them joy can help ease their emotional distress. It is also crucial for the humans in their life to offer understanding and support during this challenging time.

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Coping with the Loss of a Dog

Recognizing Individual Needs

The process of grieving the loss of a dog is highly personal, and everyone experiences it differently. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve in your own way, whether it means taking a break from routine or allowing yourself to reminisce about your beloved companion. Give yourself permission to feel and honor your emotions.

Seeking Support

During the grieving process, it is important to lean on your support system. Friends, family, or support groups who have experienced similar losses can offer understanding and empathy. Sharing memories, stories, and feelings about your dog can provide comfort and aid in the healing process.

Memorializing the Lost Pet

Creating a memorial or tribute for your lost pet can be a healing and comforting way to honor their memory. Whether it is planting a tree, creating a photo album, or writing a letter, find a meaningful way to remember your dog and celebrate the joy they brought into your life. Engaging in these activities can help with the healing process and keep their memory alive.

Research and Scientific Studies on Canine Grief

Observational Studies

Observational studies have provided valuable insights into the grieving behaviors of dogs. Researchers have observed changes in behavior, loss of appetite, and signs of depression in dogs following the death of a companion. These studies contribute to our understanding of the emotional lives of dogs and highlight the need for support during times of grief.

Neurological and Hormonal Research

Advancements in neuroscience and hormonal research have shed light on the biological underpinnings of grief in dogs. Studies have shown that certain hormones, such as cortisol and oxytocin, play a role in mediating the emotional response to loss in dogs. This scientific understanding enhances our comprehension of canine grief and paves the way for potential therapeutic interventions.

Academic Conclusions

Based on the collective knowledge from observational studies, neurological research, and the lived experiences of countless dog owners, it is widely accepted within the academic community that dogs do indeed grieve the loss of companions. The depth of their emotional connection to their pack members and their ability to experience profound loss is recognized and acknowledged.


Acknowledging canine grief is not only crucial for the well-being of our beloved pets but also for our own understanding and empathy. Just as humans experience grief, dogs also go through a grieving process when they lose a companion. It is our responsibility as dog owners to recognize the signs of grief, provide support, and offer the understanding and comfort our furry friends need during this difficult time. By nurturing their emotional well-being, we can help our dogs heal and eventually find joy once again.

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